Wednesday, July 30, 2008

About a year and a half ago I was cleared of false changes (including being falsely accused of being a terrorist). To confirm, see complaint number, 5862, Detective Jeffery Lee, badge number 4596, precinct 112, located at 68-40 Austin Street, Forrest Hills, 11375, telephone, 718-520-9252.

I am posting all the information/evidence regarding this, a.k.a. the "yeshiva victims" fraud, ASAP, so you' all out there in the general public can confirm for yourselves.

The story in a nutshell: Marlen Abramova and Jeevan Padiyar engaged in online fraud, so they decided to dash down to the NYPD and tell them all about it by making false charges against me---too stupid for words. Ms. Abramova and Mr. Padiyar are two students from my medical school who like me were illegally expelled, without a hearing. We tried to form a support group of students who had been wronged by Yeshiva University, so that we could help each other, a.k.a. the "yeshiva victims" group. Unfortunately, they ruined their chances of being re-instated by engaging in online fraud during the course of their lawsuits.

Most recently, I was cleared of false charges by the Secret Service. The two agents who interviewed me, gave me their names and office phone numbers (their handwriting). I shared this handwritten note with others, as witnesses; I did not forge it.

Apparently, I made a comment regarding Hamas that was misconstrued. If I had a conversation with Hamas, a democratically-elected governing body, elected by the people (even if some of us don't like it), what would I say, but, the truth: a bunch of Orthodox-Jews are lying to steal money from me in a federal student loan program, and my government is helping them do it !!

Monday, July 28, 2008

The issue in a nutshell: Judge Fast, my landlords are not making enough money under-reporting their rental income to the IRS, can they have a big rent increase ? ! ! Too stupid for words.

In my trial, Magda Pagnozzi testified that Mark Katelhon, a tenant in the basement apartment below me, moved out in February 2006, and that his apartment stood empty for March, April, May, June, and July of 2006 (recall, Magda Pagnozzi also testified falsely that Melissa Bastos paid a rent reduction for April, May, and June 2006. Bastos's checks (posted on this blogsite) and her conversation with Mr. Sindoni show that she did not.

I spoke with Mark J. Katelhon. He told me (hearsey evidence is not excluded in a conspiracy to commit a crime) that he moved out in summer of 2006, and that his apartment stayed empty for just a few days, before Kenneth Kim moved in.

In response to a subpoena, Verizon records indicate that the disconnection date for Mark's service was 8/11/2006.

I posted the subpoena and the records that Verizon provided, five pages, below, view the evidence for yourselves.

Again, simply left-click once on an image to enlarge it for easy viewing; to return to reading this blog, simply click on your Internet browser's "Back" button.

Moreover, there is a virtual treasure-trove of evidence to confirm that Mark J. Katelhon lived at 278 Third Street, Jersey City, New Jersey 07302 until summer 2006---his monthly Verizon bills, for the months March, April, May, June, July 0f 2006; his state unemployment records (Magda confirmed that he was laid-off), his ATM records, his bank statements, his moter vehicle records & car insurance, if any. It should be very easy for a prosecutor in a federal crime like income tax fraud, to obtain all kinds of records to confirm that Magda Pagnozzi testified falsely about Mark Katelhon's move-out date.

Based on evidence that Lawrence Sindoni and I developed in Landlord-Tenant court, I am posting information that irrefutably demonstrates the Pagnozzis under-reported their rental income, ASAP.

Who prepared the Pagnozzis' income tax statements?

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Judge Falcone's evil = Judge Rosen's protection & help for Mayor Healy
(whoever in the world who reads this blog from America, please be so kind as to make sure this evidence gets to Judge Rosen, and Mayor Healy, and anyone who was taken to task for income tax fraud)

Please scroll down to the end of this blog to view the evidence for yourself. Simply left-click once on an image to enlarge it, click on your Internet browser's "Back" button to go back to reading this blog. Follow "older posts" links to view all. This evidence can be printed, and certified, for anyone who needs it; I am posting and certifying all my evidence (Internet = protection).

To be posted ASAP, audio-tape of the Small Claims action on 2-27-2004 (this date was erroneously stated as 2007, and has been corrected), wherein Asaf Rosenheim tried to cheat my landlords, and my sworn testimony; you can listen for yourselves, world-wide. The Pagnozzis relied on my sworn testimony, and my cancelled check to defend themselves against Mr. Rosenheim.

Great news, Melissa Bastos released more evidence, and is trying to do the right thing. Thank you, Ms. Bastos. This new evidence will be posted ASAP.

The Big Picture: The Pagnozzis cheated on their income taxes. Lawrence Sindoni, me, Melissa Bastos, and others are witnesses against them.

The Bigger Picture: Judge Irwin Rosen told the truth on the record, and is prosecuted. Mayor Healy tried to help a person and was prosecuted.

The last time I checked (and Mayor Healy is invited to post a comment to correct me if I am wrong) Jersey City Mayor Healy Jerramiah T. Healy was appealing a disorderly conduct charge that could result in his removal from office. The details show that Mayor Healy did not get up in the morning with malice in his heart and try to hurt anyone. In fact, he tried to help. Maybe he didn't do such a good job, but, he does not deserve to be convicted or removed from office.

In contrast, Nino Falcone and my landlords DID get up one morning and with malice work to hurt me. I am posting the evidence on this blogsite.
Will Nino Falcone, a municipal court judge in North Bergen, New Jersey, be held to the same or different standards as Mayor Healy?

Let's not forget that the Pagnozzis paid Judge Falcone to lie on the record and help them lie on the record.
Will New Jersey Attorney General Anne Milgram hold Judge Falcone to the same standards as Judge Rosen?
A personal appeal: Ms. Milgram, when you're not too busy could you be so kind as to spearhead an investigation into my falsified student loans? A bunch of Orthodox-Jews at Yeshiva University lied to steal money from me, and my government is helping them do it; that's not anti-semitic, that's the truth. It is an ulgy truth, granted, yet, it is the truth. I would be happy to drive down to your office and explain the details to you, or a member of your staff, at your convenience.
Why can't Yeshiva University refund my money to me? I paid for classes Yeshiva never provided.
Are you out there in the general public willing to make a single phone call to Attorney General Anne Milgram and ask? Her telephone number is 609-292-4925; alternatively, you can send an email to:

List of posted evidence, so far:

(1) Melissa Bastos April 2006 rent check for $1,500.

(2) Melissa Bastos May 2006 rent check for $1,000.

(3) Melissa Bastos June 2006 rent check for $1,500.

(4) Kaplan-Lankler letter. Mr. Lankler, a former assistant district attorney who served in Manhattan, is willing to certify that he provided this letter to me, that I did not forge it. It is a verification of employment by an employer for an employee. It is a record of regularly conducted activity, and cannot be excluded from evidence in court.

(5) To rebut Ralph Pagnozzi's statement: "Tampons are not flushable", I have posted the manufacturer's box insert that states: "For best results flush tampon separately from bath tissue."
In court, I will be offering to provide widely-published information from two other tampon makers: "Simply flush or throw the tampon away", and "Flush the used tampon or place in an appropriate waste container".
I cannot believe I actually have to do defend against this lie, who does not know that tampons are flushable?

I did not diabolically plot to damage the Pagnozzis building by stuffing tampons down the toliet, because of a $50 rent increase in 2004. They made this up wholesale. They want to "milk" me for thousands of dollars in a criminal scheme.

As I said to Ralph Pagnozzi in February 2007, who needs to fight with my landlords, if I want to fight, I have people to fight with, I have 36 federal judges who upheld a fabricated ruling to hurt me, Lidya Radin, now, an American dissident.
Please, I have 36 federal judges who are lying.
I asked for my records from my medical school BEFORE I became a "former" student.
I have serious national security and human rights issues to deal with, my life is being destroyed and the Pagnozzis honesty and sincerely think that I care about an extra $600 dollars a year, when my medical school is engaged in an attempt to steal THOUSANDS of dollars from me (and Mike Tyberg, with us, both, law enforcement has Grand Larceny) and label me falsely as a person with a mental disease, and my government is helping them do it.
Moverover, I do not believe that any medical student in the history of our nation had a hearing before a life-alterning event like suspension or expulsion; I begged Senator Grassley, and others, to help me correct this immediately, before another innocent student is harmed.
The last conversation I had with Mel Goldberg, an attorney at the New York State Attorney General's office, went like this, I told Mr. Goldberg that if I could not get justice in an American court, I would go to an international court, he told me I'd never get there.
(6) Merck pre-employment drug screen - 1. Merck, a Fortune 100, company offered me a job. Mr. Falcone's characterization of me is wholly at odds with a person to whom Merck would extend an offer.
(7) Merck-pre-employment drug screen -2.
These can not be excluded from evidence as they are records of regularly conducted activity.
With respect, Mr. Sindoni has a responsibilty to make sure that I have a full and fair opportunity to defend myself, and not exclude this evidence, as he is seeking to do.
(8) August 14, 2007 letter from me to Dan Riesel (with mail receipts, posted for ease of reference). I informed Mr. Riesel that I was having problems with mail delivery in August 2007, months before I informed the Pagnozzis in my
October 28, 2007 memo.
This evidence is material and relevant with respect to the October 29, 2007 notice that Mr. Falcone claimed I received.
Brief Overview
Notices -10/29/2007 notice-no good, landlord created problem, I informed Dan Riesel (august 2007, letter) months before I informed the Pagnozzis (october 2007memo).
Mr. Riesel is my witness, now.
As Mr. Sindoni's " brother at the bar " he should immediately call Judge Fast to confirm this letter as I will enter into evidence ASAP.
1/28/2008 notice-no good, it violated 1/18/2008 "no-contact" order. If Judge Fast rules that it is acceptable for a municipal court judge, Nino Falcone, to violate a "no-contact" order, then, this provides a data-point for a case being presented to the international community, a case that says, essentially, that "no-contact" orders, and restraining orders are worthless.
Rents- (examined to evaluate landlord's profitabilty, pg 86, Fast's book).
History of rent payments = tenants' cancelled checks.
(they can order these from their banks, Quinone's excuse that he lost them is irrelevant; he can order them from his bank).
TAX FRAUD, the numbers do not add up (and I will post all this evidence, unless the Pagnozzis go down to the local IRS office immediately, and pay their taxes, with whatever penalities are accessed, plus post "Truth in Renting" in their buildings, and inform other landlords and elected officals of tenants' rights as part of their community service work, with an eye towards passing a law in New Jersey that is similar to New York's law, that tenants' get attorneys fees, too.
Magda and Ralph Pagnozzi have three children. Why would they throw away thousands of dollars, essentially, their children's college fund, on this kind of stupidity. No auto mechanic spends almost $20,000, after tax-income, to get a $3,600 rent increase. This is harassment. What the Pagnozzis' don't like is that I successfully defended myself against their unwarrented aggression.
Magda Pagnozzi testified that she gave Melissa Bastos a rent reduction in April, May, and June 2006. Magda testified that Bastos lived alone during these three months, and paid $525 per month in rent.
Bastos provided her cancelled checks ( I posted them, see for yourself) and told Lawrence Sindoni that there was no rent reduction.
Bastos checks, cashed by Ralph Pagnozzi (he authenicated them in court testimony) confirm Basto's conversation with Sindoni, that Bastos, her boyfriend, and her room-mate paid $1,500 during these months (Hearsay evidence is admissible in prosecutions for conspiracy to commit a crime, so Mr. Sindoni's conversation with Bastos is admissible; as are all my conversations; they are all admissible too).
Thank you, Melissa Bastos. Today Ms. Bastos released even more evidence; she is trying to do the right thing.
Retaliation-timeline-with examples = Harassment, criminal intent indicated by statements.
-we want the apartment for our sister/brother/personal use.
-10/12/2007- judgment against landlord for $1, 008. This credit is ongoing. I deduct $18 as a credit every month.
10/26/2007; 10/27/2007; and 10/28/2007-no heat, Inspectors came on 10/29/2007.
10/30/2007-retalitory gesture, police, landlords.
10/31/2007- Bogus "noise" complaint---a retalitory gesture, from Kenneth Kim.
-June 2008-security deposit used as rent because the landlord refused to pay interest, landlord was reminded of his obligations to pay tenants interest on their security deposits in 2004 (by Asaf Rosenheim in his 2-27-2004 Small Claims action), and by me, in writing on
March 21, 2008, landlords paid Melissa Bastos in May 2008, but refused to pay me.
[insert more here]
Magda Pagnozzi lied.
Nino Falcone lied- he knew that he was presenting perjured testimony.
Angel Quinones lied.
Melissa Bastos-just released more evidence, and is trying to do the right thing. Thank you, Ms. Bastos.
Kenneth Kim- as a law clerk, should come in and correct the record immediately. Mr. Kim lived in the basement apartment below me for a year as a law student with no complaints, then, became a law clerk; in September 2007, tried to conceal evidence, the timing of his so-called noise complaints is indicative of retaliation, the so-called noise complaint on 10/31/2007 (P2) is a retaliatory gesture made in response to the no heat complaint that I made on 10/30/2007; ( P3 ) 1/18/2008, this so-called noise complaintis the same date as the "no-contact" order. These so-called noise complaints are retaliatory gestures.
[insert Kim evidence here].
Asaf Rosenheim-has no creditabilty, for details, see I am a witness against Mr. Rosenheim, a former member of the Israeli Defense Forces. He discussed his plans to deceive Homeland Security in front of me. It was no mistake.
John Paul Vera- the Pagnozzis' expert from Weichert Reality = joke. He and his company owe me an apology, on the record.
Code violations.
Lease objections----I recently talked with Senator Lautenberg's office; there is an opportunity for him, and Christopher Christie (important in those upcoming election campaigns) to get a contract in my case that would give attorneys' fees to tentants in New Jersey, and place them on equal standing with the landlords---able to defend themselves.
Unlike New York, we here in New Jersey, do not have a law that provides attorneys' fees to tenants (landlords use this to bully tenants like me), however, I can get this in my case, and with a little legwork, get this lease provision to all tenants in New Jersey, until the state legislature passes a law, a huge win for Mr. Sindoni.
Statements indicating criminal intent
"Choke on it you rat". I am a witness against Ralph Pagnozzi in income tax fraud.
"We're going to get you, I don't care what it takes".
"In particular, you should be very concerned about the reference to me as a 'dishonest attorney', for it is a slanderous and libelous statement that is going to cost you."
--Judge Falcone knows that the truth is a complete defense to a charge of defamation; he is dishonest. What's it going to cost me, time? money? peace of mind? bodily injury?
I get similar statements from Dan Riesel, a former chief prosecutor who is helping my medical school steal money from me.
Why does Dan Riesel, a former chief prosecutor, help a medical school steal money from a student, and why can't my money be refunded to me, immediately?
"We'll get her out".
"They want you to move, you don't want to move" . ---Tracey McQuaide, assistant prosecutor on the 6th floor of the Hudson County prosecutors office.
This statement of the Pagnozzis' intent has nothing to do with a rent increase.
Tracey McQuaide is a witness.
Ms. McQuaide and I also discussed that the Hudson County prosecutor's office refused to protect me against my medical school, the Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University, a school that falsified information in a federal student loan program, and that I had entered this information into the public record in federal court; my government refused to protect me, an American woman on American soil in a time of war.
I tried discussing this with Brig. General Patrick Finnegan at Westpoint. He told me that the army felt no obligation to civilians, you know, the people who pay for Westpoint, the people who pay to raise the army to protect them, you know, the people, Lidya Radin, for the people.
I discussed all this with Mr. Sindoni; he is a witness.
These statements have nothing to do with a rent increase to achieve a fair market price for the rat-infested slum in which I reside. In fact, I presented evidence that demonstrated the Pagnozzis are getting a fair market price, and have been for some time.
Magda Pagnozzi lied-the big picture.
In frivolous eviction # 2, Mrs. Pagnozzi made false statements of material fact.
In frivolous eviction # 4, Mrs. Pagnozzi admitted to the false statements she made in
frivolous eviction # 2, then, claimed she did not act out of malice, that there was no criminal intent.
For example, she claimed that she threw out old leases, and only kept the most recent leases. So, she was not aware that her statements were false, because she did not have a copy of the 2003 lease to compare to the 2004 lease, in my case.
Again, intentionally, Mrs. Pagnozzi lied under oath.
On September 19, 2007, through my attorney, Robert Brescia, I provided a copy of my 2003 lease, plus the May 2007 and the June 2007 letters from the Pagnozzis (the "personal use" excuse).
On September 24, 2007, Nino Falcone submitted his brief, and Mrs. Pagnozzi's certification, and the 2004 lease.
By September 24, 2007, Mrs. Pagnozzi had both the 2003 and the 2004 leases available to her. She had all the information she needed to know that she was committing perjury. So did Nino Falcone.
Not only did I provide all the information that Nino Falcone needed to know that the certification and the brief that he submitted on September 24, 2007 (in frivolous eviction #2) contained false statements of material fact , he also knew that he presented perjured testimony in frivolous eviction # 4 when Mrs. Pagnozzi claimed that she did not have an old lease (2003) available to her. She did. I gave it to her.
[note 1: Ralph Pagnozzi came to my apartment with only one copy of the 2004 lease. I signed it. He took it with him and promised to mail me a copy. He never did. I never saw that lease again until the Pagnozzis/Falcone submitted a photocopy in court on September 24, 2007. In order to submit a photocopy, they must have the original. I'd like to see the original. ]
[note 2: The Pagnozzis' claim that I "slipped in" as an unapproved tenant by illegally subletting from Asaf Rosenheim is a lie: (1) Ralph Pagnozzi signed my rent checks from the beginning, (2) Mr. Pagnozzi offered me a lease for 2004, he has the signed original, I'd like to see it, (3) the Pagnozzis stated in their complaint that I was the tenant in possession. ]
[note 3: There was no equitable, proportional splitting of the rent among two, three, or more people as Mr. Rosenheim allowed his friends to use the apartment as a hotel. My rent checks reflect a decrease ($425 to $325 to $ 225 ) as Mr. Pagnozzi demanded more cash from me. Always, I paid half the rent, irrespective of anything that Mr. Roseheim did. To confirm, my checks for the utility bills reflect that I paid half of these bills too. ]
Angel Quinones committed perjury. He did not come to court 5 times. I did not subpoena him 3 times. I subpoenaed him twice. He came to court twice (once in September 2007, and once in April 2008).
In September 2007, he tried to tell the truth, and was rewarded with a retaliatory rent increase, an illegal 6 month lease, and other restrictions.
The Pagnozzis drove out their own tenants, goaded by Nino Falcone, because I pointed out the holes in Mr. Falcone's fabricated agrument.
In June 2007, the rent increase for Kim was $50, for Quinones was $0, for Bastos was $0, for me was $300. The Pagnozzis did not care about raising the rents. A large, retro-active, cumulative, compound rent increase for me was a pretext to harass me out of the apartment, after the "personal use" excuse didn't work.
Melissa Bastos-recently released more evidence, and is trying to do the right thing. Thank you, Ms. Bastos.
Kenny Linn-details to be posted ASAP. I testified, and was vindicated.
[Kenny Linn was a jerk. His relative is a lawyer. He made complaints in municipal court, had them mailed to an address where he knew that I did not live (in other words, I did not get proper notice), and, then, based on my absence in court, tried to obtain judgments and arrest warrents. I was very upset about this, until I went to court to correct it, and discovered that this was just a standard dirty trick that lawyers use; this was just standard operating procedure. Three people in line with me at the courthouse had the same experience].
Asaf Rosenheim-at the Pagnozzis' request, I testified, and produced my cancelled check. Mr. Rosenheim tried to cheat the Pagnozzis' out of $500.
It is impossible for Nino Falcone to argue that I am a person with a mental disease characterized by delusions, and hallucinations at the same time that the Pagnozzis relied on my testimony to successfully defend themselves against Mr. Rosenheim's unwarrented aggression.
What follows are attempts to place false information on audio-tapes of the trial.
By design, these attempts are intended to confuse listeners.
(1) On July 18, 2008, in court, on audio-tape, Mr. Falcone stated that he "withdrew" the 2nd frivolous eviction attempt, docket-number LT-11742-07.
That is a false statement of material fact.
That action was dismissed without prejudice by Judge Fast.
For prejury on substantive issues (not trumpeted-up petty, inconsequential examples that Nino Falcone used to blow smoke) a judge should dismiss WITH prejudice.
How does the landlord exercise his rights? He DOES NOT COME TO COURT TO LIE to harass a tenant, that's how.
The good people of Jersey City (whose tax dollars paid Judge Fast to listen to the Pagnozzis' lies) deserve to have a sanction in the form of a fine payable to Jersey City for the amount of money it cost to engage in this farce of a trial.
Robert Brescia, my then attorney, is a witness.
I have the audio-tape of the October 1, 2007 hearing, as does Mr. Sindoni's office, NJ Legal Services, and I will be placing audio on this blogsite so that you'all can listen for yourselves.
(Jack Wind and I discussed the possibility of his private firm representing me against my medical school. I sent an email to Mr. Sindoni about this, it wasn't pretty).
As recently, as March 2008, Judge Fast, Mr. Falcone, and Karla Garcia listened to this audio-tape to confirm that during the October 1, 2007 hearing Judge Fast dismissed; Nino Falcone did not "withdraw".
Karla Garcia is a witness.
[note: I made sincere, good-faith efforts to argue substantive issues. I took this seriously. I did not play games, unlike Nino Falcone and my landlords.]
I suspect that Judge Fast and Mr. Brescia are a little miffed that I complained a bit to the Hudson County prosecutors office that they had an obligation to report Mr. Falcone's professional misconduct, but, they did not.
(2) Mr. Sindoni had a conversation with Ms. Bastos about the fact that Magda Pagnozzi committed perjury; there was no rent reduction to Ms. Bastos in 2006.
Mr. Sindoni is a witness against the Pagnozzis in a prosecution for income tax fraud.
(3) In court, Mr. Falcone asked me if I have a mental disease. I do not. I have a medical school that would like people to believe this lie so that doctors and lawyers at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University can get away with stealing money from me in a federal student loan program.
(4) Mr. Sindoni said in court: "Her diagnosis was never explained to her".
This is a false statement of material fact. There was no diagnosis.
I never spoke to a psychiatrist at the hospital where I tried to get help after I inhaled a patient's blood. This doctor admitted that he never spoke with me, in front of two witnesses.
In recent telephone conversations, Janice Bennett stated that she did not diagnose me.
In recent telephone conversations, James Daw, a former assistant prosecutor, stated that my medical school did not mention a diagnosis to him during the time that he represented me.
The two individuals that accompanied me to the hospital at that time are not creditable: (i) Brian Hamilton falsely represented that he was the person to contact in case of emergency, (ii) Julie Schulman, MD, made conflicting statements in front of a witness, and (iii) Mr. Hamilton and Dr. Schulman cannot argue that they respected my wishes at the same time that they claim I was not capable of making decisions.
Michael J. Reichgott, and James (Jimmy) David are not creditable.