Wednesday, July 30, 2008

About a year and a half ago I was cleared of false changes (including being falsely accused of being a terrorist). To confirm, see complaint number, 5862, Detective Jeffery Lee, badge number 4596, precinct 112, located at 68-40 Austin Street, Forrest Hills, 11375, telephone, 718-520-9252.

I am posting all the information/evidence regarding this, a.k.a. the "yeshiva victims" fraud, ASAP, so you' all out there in the general public can confirm for yourselves.

The story in a nutshell: Marlen Abramova and Jeevan Padiyar engaged in online fraud, so they decided to dash down to the NYPD and tell them all about it by making false charges against me---too stupid for words. Ms. Abramova and Mr. Padiyar are two students from my medical school who like me were illegally expelled, without a hearing. We tried to form a support group of students who had been wronged by Yeshiva University, so that we could help each other, a.k.a. the "yeshiva victims" group. Unfortunately, they ruined their chances of being re-instated by engaging in online fraud during the course of their lawsuits.

Most recently, I was cleared of false charges by the Secret Service. The two agents who interviewed me, gave me their names and office phone numbers (their handwriting). I shared this handwritten note with others, as witnesses; I did not forge it.

Apparently, I made a comment regarding Hamas that was misconstrued. If I had a conversation with Hamas, a democratically-elected governing body, elected by the people (even if some of us don't like it), what would I say, but, the truth: a bunch of Orthodox-Jews are lying to steal money from me in a federal student loan program, and my government is helping them do it !!

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