Saturday, August 9, 2008

Judge Rodriguez participated in the harassment against me. Here's how:

On 7/10/2008, Judge Rodriguez issued a verbal "no-contact" order. My public defender and I asked for a written copy of that order, that I could take home with me.

My public defender and I explained to Judge Rodriguez that my landlords are dishonest, and have lied to the police before.

Without the paperwork in my hands, to show to the police, after an episode of harassment, the situation boils down to my word against theirs. Judge Rodriguez understood that this had happened before.

Judge Rodriguez deliberately refused to give me a written "no-contact" order.

In open court, she told me that if there was a problem I should come see her directly, and that she would enforce the "no-contact" order.

For a week, I tried talking to Judge Rodriguez about protecting evidence and witnesses housed in my apartment. Deliberately, intentionally, willfully, with malice, Judge Rodriguez gave me a run-around.

Today, Saturday, 8/9/2008 in violation of the "no-contact" order, Magda Pagnozzi came to my home, rang my door-bell, and stood on my stoop with a video-camera, trying to provoke me.

Today, in violation of the "no-contact" order, Ralph Pagnozzi slashed my front door with a sharp object.

They are trying to terrorize me, and other witnesses who are scheduled to testify against them.

When the police responded, I had no written "no-contact" order to show them, and, so, they could do nothing.

Women are always told to get a written copy of a "no-contact" order, and to make copies, to have a copy at home, in their purse, and to give to family members, and friends.

What does an innocent victim like me do, when a judge like Judge Rodriguez ( and she is a woman, no less ) deliberately, knowingly, willfully, with malice, refuses to give me a written " no-contact" order, AFTER I told her (in open court) that this had happened before, and was afraid that this would happen again?

There is no doubt, Judge Rodriguez knew she was setting me up for this.

Have no fear, Judge Rodriguez will be known in the international community.

I already called a major university that is representing another woman in a case being presented to the international community, a case, that says, essentially, that "no-contact" orders, and restraining orders are worthless.

[Note: The Jersey City Housing Inspectors, and the Jersey City police know what is going on is wrong, and they are doing the best they can.

They know that Dan Riesel, a former chief prosecutor in the federal courts, is cooperating with a racist medical school to steal money from me in a federal student loan program.

They know 36 federal judges are part of this criminal scheme.

I told Ralph and Magda Pagnozzi about this in detail in February 2007; they know, too.

Lots of people know that my medical school is the school where Howard Dean, chairman of the Democratic Party, and his wife, got their medical degrees. I called Howard Dean's office. He knows. I asked Mr. Dean to make a single phone call to protest the fact that there were no hearings for students. He refused.

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