Sunday, August 10, 2008

Lankler, former ADA, Manhattan District Attoreny.

Subsequent to my illegal expulsion from Howard Dean's medical school, I worked for Andrew Lankler, former assistant district attorney, Manhattan District Attorney's office.

Posted on this blogsite are letters that Andrew Lankler certified he gave me. I did not forge them.

[note: the Secret Service asked me: why was your expulsion illegal?

Because, I was required to stand out in a hall while in a meeting room my professors gave false, unsworn testimony against me. I was not permitted to be in the room to hear the arguments against me, much less defend myself.

Howard Dean, chair of the Democratic Party, knows and refused to make a single phone call to protest; medical students deserve fair hearings too. He knows Yeshiva University lied to steal money from me. I called his office. Howard Dean and his wife obtained their medical degrees from my medical school, the Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University.

Left-click once on these letters once, to enlarge them, for easy viewing, or print them; click on your Internet browser's "back" button to return to reading this blog.

I was placed in a key position at Kaplan.

Kaplan, a wholly-owned subsidary of the Washingto Post, is a cash cow for the Post. In terms of numbers, of revenue generated, if the Manhattan Center went down, the entire Northeast region would go down, if the Northeast went down, the entire company would go down, and the monitor from the Post would not be pleased.

[are you too young, Tracey McQuaide, from the Hudson County Prosecutor's office, to remember the good people at the Washington Post who broke the Watergate story?

President Lee Bolinger, the president of my alma mater, Columbia University, sits on the Board of the Washington Post.

Did anyone in the "yeshiva victims" group think I would taint the Washington Post?

I worked for Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan's office, before I went to medical school, Ms. McQuaide; I was provided with a letter of recommendation. Do you think that there may have been a routine, field-check before I started working?

Senator Moynihan's office weighed in when my medical school tried to violate federal law in 1996. I was completely honest and candid with Senator Moynihan's office. They offered to help me.

A friend of mine who was looking to get a job in the Navy, asked me to vouch for him; this is wholly inconsistent with the lies Dan Riesel and Nino Falcone told about me, Ms. McQuaide.

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