Friday, August 29, 2008


36 FEDERAL JUDGES ARE PSYCHOTIC: persistence in an irrational belief despite hard evidence to the contrary , see the definition in Diagnostic and Statistical manual of Mental Disorders. They upheld a fabricated ruling that a " former " student cannot correct her records---too stupid, too stupid, too stupid for words.



If these judges want to play games [ while real men are dying in a war ], and refuse to correct this deliberately fabricated ruling, AND THE REST OF THEIR STUPIDITY, then, they can be removed from their posts for being overtly mentally ill. CASE CLOSED. GET REAL.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

12 years for a crime I did not commit, metaphorically speaking.

Couldn't you have talked to me like a real person, Ms. Quaide, not like a ghost.

Metaphorically speaking, I served 12 years in Dan Riesel's and Martin Bockstein's prison for a crime I did not commit, scroll down and see Mr. Daw's August 22, 2008 letter and post-marked envelope (posted, because you like post-marked envelopes so much, Ms. Quiade, and thank you, for this insight, Ms. George).

Dan Riesel and Martin Bockstein and their stooges ran around for years behind my back telling people, including you , Ms. Quaide, that I was psychotic, and schizophrenic, and it was a lie.

Einstein gave me minority-student status.

Before me, they told the same lie about Ajay P. Garg, MD, described in court papers as a black man of East Indian descent ( are you listening, Rev. Sharpton, Mike Hardy, Mayor Cory Booker, Mrs. Bell ? Can you feel my pain, Mr. Clinton ? Did your wife feel my pain, when her office told me to take a long walk off a short pier when I called and asked for help ? Senator Clinton sits on the Education Committee in the Senate. Before me, did she feel Marlen Abramova's pain, when Ms. Abramova called her office and asked for help ? ).

Dr. Garg is and was a successful practicing physician in the United States with no defect that would preclude him from practicing medicine.

They lied about Dr. Garg.

They lied to destroy an innocent person's life, willfully, knowingly, intentionally, with malice of forethought, with criminal intent, they lied.

Before Dr. Garg, there was another student that the Promotions Committee claimed was psychotic, but, they awarded that student a medical degree anyway, according to Dr. Garg's court papers. Contact with reality is not a requirement for the medical degree at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University, Howard Dean's medical school ? ! !

They lied, Ms. Quaide.

They lied about John Cacace, MD, too.

It was a different lie, nevertheless, they lied.

John tried to tell the truth. He stood up in front of his peers one day and said that he would not lie, and they almost destroyed him for it.

With the help of an established mentor, John fought back, won, and was re-instated.

I knew him at Long Island Jewish Medical Center when I worked on a project about telling the truth to patients.

With respect, I would find fault with him for one reason. John got justice for himself and no one else. As part of his hard-won victory, he did not demand that the University establish a hearing procedure for all residents like him. Had he done so, had he set a precedent, I, a student who came after him, would not have suffered so much.

Couldn't you have talked to me like a real person, Ms. McQuaide, not like a ghost.

I could have given you all the evidence you needed to refute Dan Riesel's lies.

On top of everything else, Dan Riesel is a coward. He refuses to talk to me about the money my school, the school he represents, lied to steal from me. He refuses to face me. Instead, he runs around behind my back, rumor-mongering. He uses the techniques of female aggression; he attacks me like a woman.

You want to prosecute criminals, Ms. McQuaide? I have criminals for you.

Leave Mayor Healy and Irwin Rosen alone.

- James Daw, former Assistant District Attorney, Manhattan District Attorney's office.

- Andrew Lankler, former Assistant District Attorney, Manhattan District Attorney's office.

--Hey Ms. McQuaide, are you sensing a theme here ?

Couldn't you talk to me like a real person, Ms. McQaide, not like a ghost ?


Thursday, August 21, 2008

The Pagnozzis paid for Dan Riesel's war.

Hey, Jersey City, we have to tell Melissa Bastos---she has causes of action against Magda and Ralph Pagnozzi.

According to a chart Nino Falcone, attorney for the Pagnozzis, gave us in March 2008, posted below, and other information, Melissa Bastos was paying $1,675 per month (her rent increased AFTER she came to court on 9/10/2007 indicating retaliation). According to Nino Falcone's 8/15/2008 brief, this rent is now
$1, 550; the rent decreased by $125/month.

(Does this mean Ms. Bastos can get compensated for her moving expenses plus any other damages, like the intentional infliction of emotional distress, because she was driven out of her home as reprisal ?? Asaf Rosenheim helped Dan Riesel and the Pagnozzis drive a woman out of her home, Jersey City, do you'all sense a theme here ??? I'll bet the evil Martin Bockstein is not too far behind.

Goodness, I hope someone tells Ms. Bastos; I'll put it on my blog.

Goodness, I hope a good, private attorney, like Mr. Brescia can take her case.)

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Union City, Hoboken, and Jersey City Tenants agree

Hey, Judge Fast, other tenants agree:

"When a tenant successfully litigates against her landlords, she should be awarded attorney's fees, too" .

With respect, are you listening Mr. Christie?
Hey, big, bad politicians Christie & Lautenberg, in an ELECTION year, could you make a single phone call to help every tenant in Jersey ? ! !

Hey, Judge Fast, ( 201- 795- 6680 ), the next time a bad landlord lies in court to hurt an innocent tenant, he should pay her attorney’s fees, the Radin case,
LT-3443-08 ”.

In an ELECTION year, could you make a single phone call to help your “brothers at the bar” realize a new revenue source ? ! !

See http://

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Hey, Judge Fast, when my big, bad landlord lies in court to hurt me, he should pay for my attorney's fees, too.

If you feel the same, make a single phone call ( 201-795-6680 ), leave a message for Judge Fast at the courthouse saying:

" In the Radin case, tenants get attorneys' fees, too, just like the landlords, Docket number: LT-3443-08 ".

[ ask to leave a message with Elizabeth Ray, if she is not available, leave a message with anyone of the helpful courthouse staff ]

Hey, big, bad politicans Christie, and Lautenberg, in an ELECTION year, could you fax a single letter ( I provided a draft, subject to your approval ) ? !

What follows are requests made to Christopher Christie, US prosecutor appointed by President Bush, and, my respresentative in the Senate, US Senator Frank Lautenberg.

I could not have made it any easier for Mr. Christie or Senator Lautenberg to respond, the draft letter of support on this blog is extremely softly-worded, and takes a NO RISK position.

To view these, simply left-click once on a document to enlarge it; alternatively, print it; to return to reading this blog, simply click on your browser's "back" button.

FYI: Any one else who would like to use my SAMPLE DRAFT to Judge Fast, like the president of a tenants' association in New Jersey, or any individual, is invited to do so; scroll below to view it.

All you have to do is print my SAMPLE DRAFT LETTER, write in your name, next to Senator Lautenberg's name, sign the letter, and fax it to Judge Fast---I could not have made this any easier.

PS. As this represents a new revenue source for attorneys in private practice, I think all members of the Jersey Bar, should be interested.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Andrew Cuomo-knows Yeshiva lied to steal.

Andrew Cuomo, New York State Attorney General, is my witness to the international community.

After a May 10, 2007 public hearing in Congress, which I attended with the president of the American Medical Students Association, Congressman Miller's office referred me to Ben Lawsky (telephone: 212-416-8095) at Andrew Cuomo's office.

Mr. Lawsky is a highly-placed attorney; I believe he is third in command.

Mr. Lawsky referred me to Mel Goldberg (telephone: 212-416-8833).

A number of times, I tried to discuss with Mr. Goldberg the fact that Mike Tyberg and I were victims of fraud in a federal student loan program (Stafford loans).

Mike Tyberg is an Orthodox-Jewish man from my medical school; but for my efforts, he would have been victimized even more in the federal student loan program. I introduced him to a highly-placed rabbi, in the hope that he could get some assistance. Rabbi Lamm's school, Yeshiva University, tried to steal money from another Orthodox-Jew, through a student loan program. This is Amalek (evil). I stood against Amalek. So, did Al Sharpton, and his attorney, Mike Hardy ( " I was called an anti-semite, too" ). Rev. Sharpton says, put them in jail for Grand Larceny.

For committing fraud in a federal student loan program, Yeshiva University loses its ability to administer these loans forever; there is no way to re-gain eligibilty as the federal government does not tolerate fraud in federal student loans. Officials at Yeshiva University, notably, Martin Bockstein, and Dan Riesel, a former chief federal prosecutor, can't face this.

I tried to tell Mr. Goldberg that Mr. Cuomo was trying to make his case based on New York law, but, that wasn't good enough. He, or his staff, needed me to show them federal law, to help me and Mike Tyberg.

I tried to provide Mr. Goldberg with materials in writing, but, I do not know what materials he received or did not receive (Sallie Mae, my loan servicing company, deliberately threw out my file 13 times, for example. Staff at the House Judiciary Committee, controlled by the Democrats, deliberately threw out materials FedX'ed from Congressman Mica's office).

The last time I talked with Mr. Goldberg I told him if I could not get justice in an American court, I would go to an international court. He told me that I'd never get there.

Moreover, Andrew Cuomo and Mel Goldberg know that I was expelled without a hearing. They know that Dan Riesel committed perjury in federal court when he stated during oral argument that I got 2 hearings at Yeshiva BEFORE I was expelled. They know that Dan Riesel and his associates committed perjury, when they stated in court papers that I got a hearing at Yeshiva BEFORE I was expelled.

Mr. Goldberg asked me about the hearing procedures at the other medical schools in New York State. For three days, I did the legwork for him. They are all fatally flawed. Columbia University's policy is the worst of nine medical schools in New York. I tried to tell Mr. Goldberg that I had a checklist and was willing to work with him, for free, and that the Amerian Medical Students Association was willing to help, too.

I asked deans of major universities to make phone calls to Mr. Cuomo's office. They did so. Mr. Cuomo ignored them. Mr. Cuomo could easily right this wrong in New York State, and by doing so, drive change throughout the country.
He refused. His conduct is not that of a leader. It is the conduct of a coward.

[note: The May 10, 2007 hearing was a joke. It boiled down to bash the Bush administration, and grab some headlines. The crime victims, me and Mike Tyberg are still here].

I posted Mel Goldberg's and Ben Lawsky's phone numbers on this blog. Anyone can make a phone call to them and express an opinion.

Lankler, former ADA, Manhattan District Attoreny.

Subsequent to my illegal expulsion from Howard Dean's medical school, I worked for Andrew Lankler, former assistant district attorney, Manhattan District Attorney's office.

Posted on this blogsite are letters that Andrew Lankler certified he gave me. I did not forge them.

[note: the Secret Service asked me: why was your expulsion illegal?

Because, I was required to stand out in a hall while in a meeting room my professors gave false, unsworn testimony against me. I was not permitted to be in the room to hear the arguments against me, much less defend myself.

Howard Dean, chair of the Democratic Party, knows and refused to make a single phone call to protest; medical students deserve fair hearings too. He knows Yeshiva University lied to steal money from me. I called his office. Howard Dean and his wife obtained their medical degrees from my medical school, the Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University.

Left-click once on these letters once, to enlarge them, for easy viewing, or print them; click on your Internet browser's "back" button to return to reading this blog.

I was placed in a key position at Kaplan.

Kaplan, a wholly-owned subsidary of the Washingto Post, is a cash cow for the Post. In terms of numbers, of revenue generated, if the Manhattan Center went down, the entire Northeast region would go down, if the Northeast went down, the entire company would go down, and the monitor from the Post would not be pleased.

[are you too young, Tracey McQuaide, from the Hudson County Prosecutor's office, to remember the good people at the Washington Post who broke the Watergate story?

President Lee Bolinger, the president of my alma mater, Columbia University, sits on the Board of the Washington Post.

Did anyone in the "yeshiva victims" group think I would taint the Washington Post?

I worked for Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan's office, before I went to medical school, Ms. McQuaide; I was provided with a letter of recommendation. Do you think that there may have been a routine, field-check before I started working?

Senator Moynihan's office weighed in when my medical school tried to violate federal law in 1996. I was completely honest and candid with Senator Moynihan's office. They offered to help me.

A friend of mine who was looking to get a job in the Navy, asked me to vouch for him; this is wholly inconsistent with the lies Dan Riesel and Nino Falcone told about me, Ms. McQuaide.

Lankler-personal letter full text version:
I was going to send you a note on the same card stock I was using for everyone else, but when you noticed this vellum paper, it occurred to me that its only fitting that your note should be different from the rest of the staff's.
To say that you are a unique person would be an enormous understatement. In my career I can't say that I've ever worked with anyone who has your tenacity and intelligence and dedication. You surely don't need me to tell you how valuable you have been to the Center and that, of course, there probably isn't a marketer in the company who is as effective as you.
But what I want you to know that I'll miss you more as a person than as a colleague. I truly have enjoyed your company. Your ability to challenge my way of thinking, the intellectual prowess you bring to the everyday, and, yes, even your ragging about my smoking and cardiovascular well being are things I'll truly miss.
I truly hope that your future proves to be as bright as you observe, and please promise that we will remain good friends.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Here's how Tenants Can Protect themselves:

Falcone and the Pagnozzis tried to harass me with a retro-active, compound, cumulative rent increase, of $300/month.

See page 86, of Judge Fast's book: in determining the unconscionability of a rent increase, a judge may consider ... (2) the landlord's expenses, and profitability....

I asked to see the Pagnozzis' IRS statements.

Mr. Sindoni and I analyzed the Pagnozzis' income tax statement from 2006. We developed and placed on the record, evidence that a prosecutor can use.

The attorneys at NJ Legal Services that help and supervise Mr. Sindoni are aware of the criminal conduct in my case (I talked with Jack Wind about my case against my medical school).

The Pagnozzis are under-reporting their rental income.

Overall, the Pagnozzis paid Falcone, my best guess, almost $20,000 in legal fees, so that they could place, on the record, information a prosecutor can use in a prosecution for income tax fraud.

This has nothing to do with a reasonable rent increase for me.

Moreover, the Pagnozzis paid Falcone thousands of dollars in legal fees, so that they could commit perjury, and violate "no-contact" orders. This has nothing to do with a reasonable rent increase for me.

The next time your landlord tries to harass you with an outrageous rent increase, let him know you will be asking to see his IRS statements, pursuant to Judge Fast's teachings [Judge Fast worked for the IRS].

[more detailed information to come---about how Angel Quinones, Melissa Bastos, Kenneth Kim, Mark Katelhon, and I are witnesses against the Pagnozzis in income tax fraud].

Click on the Pagnozzis income tax statement for 2006, to enlarge it and view Mr. Sindoni's hand-written comments; click on your browser's Internet "back" button to return to reading this blog.

Judge Rodriguez participated in the harassment against me. Here's how:

On 7/10/2008, Judge Rodriguez issued a verbal "no-contact" order. My public defender and I asked for a written copy of that order, that I could take home with me.

My public defender and I explained to Judge Rodriguez that my landlords are dishonest, and have lied to the police before.

Without the paperwork in my hands, to show to the police, after an episode of harassment, the situation boils down to my word against theirs. Judge Rodriguez understood that this had happened before.

Judge Rodriguez deliberately refused to give me a written "no-contact" order.

In open court, she told me that if there was a problem I should come see her directly, and that she would enforce the "no-contact" order.

For a week, I tried talking to Judge Rodriguez about protecting evidence and witnesses housed in my apartment. Deliberately, intentionally, willfully, with malice, Judge Rodriguez gave me a run-around.

Today, Saturday, 8/9/2008 in violation of the "no-contact" order, Magda Pagnozzi came to my home, rang my door-bell, and stood on my stoop with a video-camera, trying to provoke me.

Today, in violation of the "no-contact" order, Ralph Pagnozzi slashed my front door with a sharp object.

They are trying to terrorize me, and other witnesses who are scheduled to testify against them.

When the police responded, I had no written "no-contact" order to show them, and, so, they could do nothing.

Women are always told to get a written copy of a "no-contact" order, and to make copies, to have a copy at home, in their purse, and to give to family members, and friends.

What does an innocent victim like me do, when a judge like Judge Rodriguez ( and she is a woman, no less ) deliberately, knowingly, willfully, with malice, refuses to give me a written " no-contact" order, AFTER I told her (in open court) that this had happened before, and was afraid that this would happen again?

There is no doubt, Judge Rodriguez knew she was setting me up for this.

Have no fear, Judge Rodriguez will be known in the international community.

I already called a major university that is representing another woman in a case being presented to the international community, a case, that says, essentially, that "no-contact" orders, and restraining orders are worthless.

[Note: The Jersey City Housing Inspectors, and the Jersey City police know what is going on is wrong, and they are doing the best they can.

They know that Dan Riesel, a former chief prosecutor in the federal courts, is cooperating with a racist medical school to steal money from me in a federal student loan program.

They know 36 federal judges are part of this criminal scheme.

I told Ralph and Magda Pagnozzi about this in detail in February 2007; they know, too.

Lots of people know that my medical school is the school where Howard Dean, chairman of the Democratic Party, and his wife, got their medical degrees. I called Howard Dean's office. He knows. I asked Mr. Dean to make a single phone call to protest the fact that there were no hearings for students. He refused.

Friday, August 8, 2008

The makers of tampons state in their widely-published box inserts that tampons are "flushable".

Mr. Pagnozzi testified in landlord-tenant court, that several years ago, after he asked his tenants, including me, to stop flushing tampons the problem stopped.

Why am I charged with a crime, now? Why didn't the municipal court prosecutor have a meaningful conversation with me?

Surely, the municipal court prosecutor, and Judge Rodriguez, both women, do not honestly and sincerely believe the fiction that tampons are "not flushable", a lie put in Mr. Pagnozzi's mouth and that he uttered in landlord-tenant court.

Mrs. Pagnozzi and all the women in Jersey City ( including Kenneth Kim's girlfriend) do not honestly and sincerely believe that tampons are "not flushable".

How did the Pagnozzis get past probable cause?


Thank you Jersey City police officers, Kang (badge # 2743) and Rivera
(badge # 2726).

They stood in my apartment where Mr. Pagnozzi testified he stood in 2003, when he changed my locks after my room-mate, Rosenheim moved out.

I asked them, officers, Mr. Pagnozzi testified that he changed my locks in 2003, if you were standing here, changing my locks, isn't it impossible not to notice that a wall was missing. They agreed.

[Note: Apparently, my landlords are trying to excuse their harassment by claiming greed. They did not care about money.

In June 2007, Melissa Bastos, and Angel Quinones rent increase was $ 0, Kenneth Kim's rent increase was $50, my rent increase was $300. The numbers speak for themselves.

Melissa Bastos, and Angel Quinones came to court on 9/10/2007. My landlords gave them retaliatory rent increases, and other restrictions AFTER they came to court. ]

In landlord-tenant court, docket number: LT-3443-08, Ralph Pagnozzi testified that in 2003 after Asaf Rosenheim moved out of my apartment, he entered my apartment by four feet to change the locks.

The posted photograph (see the 2 foot-marker) shows that in 2003 while changing the locks, Mr. Pagnozzi could not have missed seeing a wall that had been removed.

Please note especially that my door opens inward. Mr. Pagnozzi could not have changed the locks unless he entered my apartment, as he testified.

Click on the photograph to engage it, to return to reading the blog, click on your Internet browser's "Back" button".

Mr. Pagnozzi and his attorneys are attempting to create a fiction
(coming up from Mr. Rosenheim's letters) that Asaf Roseheim left my apartment in good condition, and that after he moved out I removed a wall, causing damage to the apartment.

[The Pagnozzis' building is not damaged. It is DETERIORATING because they do not do the repairs and upkeep. I will post photographs, and you can see for yourself].

Mr. Pagnozzi, assisted by his attorneys, are engaged in a criminal scheme to "milk" me of money, and falsely label me as a criminal.

There are a number of witnesses and physical evidence that demonstrate this dividing wall was not present when I moved in 2003, in addition to Mr. Pagnozzi's testimony.

How did the Pagnozzzis and their attorney get past probable cause? Why didn't the prosecutor at the municipal court have a meaningful conversation with me?

The Housing Inspectors have already inspected my apartment twice. They know the Pagnozzis and their attorneys are not truthful about this substantive issue.

The Pagnozzis and their dishonest attorneys play games with innocent people's lives and think that they are clever. They are not. They are sociopaths; profoundly disturbed individuals.

My experience is important consumer information for every tenant in my building, every broker in town, and every potential tenant.

At any time, even now, the Pagnozzis and their dishonest associates could fabricate a story to "milk" any other tenant for thousands of dollars by making up stories, as in my case.

If you think about it, it is a pretty good criminal scheme for dishonest landlords.

Hire a dishonest attorney like Nino Falcone, make up a story about a tenant doing damage to your building (the lies can be as outrageous as tampons are not "flushable" ), get a judge like Judge Rodriguez to play along (Judge Rodriguez and the municipal court prosecutor have demonstrated that they will play along), lie to a few police officers, and "milk" and innocent tenant for thousands of dollars.

Alternatively, if you are a tenant and were deceived into believing that you were dealing with normal, decent people, you may be a victim of consumer fraud, and you may be able to get treble damages ( so you can move into a building with a decent landlord), and attorney's fees, as New Jersey's consumer fraud statutes apply to the outrageous conduct of landlords, too.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Dan Riesel, a former chief prosecutor for the federal government, in the Southern District of New York, falsely accused me of forging this promissory note.

In sum, I paid for classes the Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University never provided to me.

I did not forge this note.

Did I forge all the bills Sallie Mae sent me in the mail (mail fraud), too? Did I forge all the payments I made towards this illegal loan, too? No.

I will post all the bills Sallie Mae sent me in the mail (and the postmarked envelopes too), and all the letters Sallie Mae sent me threatening me with economic harm, if I did not knuckle under to extortion and pay an illegal debt.

Each bill is an act of mail fraud; every conversation I had trying to resolve this issue, on the phone, is an act of wire fraud.

Overall, lots of people worked very hard to help criminals at Yeshiva University steal money from me, including Dan Riesel.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Last year at Columbia University, my alma mater, on September 27, 2007, in front of many witnesses including the Secret Service, Zeljko Komsic, Presidency Chairman of Bosnia and Herzegovina, world leader, war hero, Roman Catholic, shook my hand and accepted my September 25, 2007 letter to Archbishop Meyers; this is posted for ease of reference.

Several months later, through officials at the United Nations, I confirmed that my letter had been conveyed to the White House.

Bosnia & Herzegovina is 40% Muslim, and 15% Catholic. Iranian President Ahmadinejad supported Bosnia & Herzegovina's independence, because he was concerned about Muslims.

The Pope was concerned about the Catholics; he did not want them to live as an oppressed minority.

It was important, therefore, that before President Komsic met with the Pope, in October 2007, that President Komsic demonstrate that he would act for Catholics, as he did in my case. It was also important that he take a low risk position, like conveying a letter.

President Komsic did me a favor, and himself one too. Thank you, President Komsic, world leader and human rights advocate.

When will President Bush respond?
The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy, by John J. Mearsheimer, University of Chicago, and Stephen M. Walt, Harvard University says, America acts for Jewish interests, not American interests.

Click on the link below to read this work by these scholars:

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

About a year and a half ago I was cleared of false changes (including being falsely accused of being a terrorist). To confirm, see complaint number, 5862, Detective Jeffery Lee, badge number 4596, precinct 112, located at 68-40 Austin Street, Forrest Hills, 11375, telephone, 718-520-9252.

I am posting all the information/evidence regarding this, a.k.a. the "yeshiva victims" fraud, ASAP, so you' all out there in the general public can confirm for yourselves.

The story in a nutshell: Marlen Abramova and Jeevan Padiyar engaged in online fraud, so they decided to dash down to the NYPD and tell them all about it by making false charges against me---too stupid for words. Ms. Abramova and Mr. Padiyar are two students from my medical school who like me were illegally expelled, without a hearing. We tried to form a support group of students who had been wronged by Yeshiva University, so that we could help each other, a.k.a. the "yeshiva victims" group. Unfortunately, they ruined their chances of being re-instated by engaging in online fraud during the course of their lawsuits.

Most recently, I was cleared of false charges by the Secret Service. The two agents who interviewed me, gave me their names and office phone numbers (their handwriting). I shared this handwritten note with others, as witnesses; I did not forge it.

Apparently, I made a comment regarding Hamas that was misconstrued. If I had a conversation with Hamas, a democratically-elected governing body, elected by the people (even if some of us don't like it), what would I say, but, the truth: a bunch of Orthodox-Jews are lying to steal money from me in a federal student loan program, and my government is helping them do it !!

Monday, July 28, 2008

The issue in a nutshell: Judge Fast, my landlords are not making enough money under-reporting their rental income to the IRS, can they have a big rent increase ? ! ! Too stupid for words.

In my trial, Magda Pagnozzi testified that Mark Katelhon, a tenant in the basement apartment below me, moved out in February 2006, and that his apartment stood empty for March, April, May, June, and July of 2006 (recall, Magda Pagnozzi also testified falsely that Melissa Bastos paid a rent reduction for April, May, and June 2006. Bastos's checks (posted on this blogsite) and her conversation with Mr. Sindoni show that she did not.

I spoke with Mark J. Katelhon. He told me (hearsey evidence is not excluded in a conspiracy to commit a crime) that he moved out in summer of 2006, and that his apartment stayed empty for just a few days, before Kenneth Kim moved in.

In response to a subpoena, Verizon records indicate that the disconnection date for Mark's service was 8/11/2006.

I posted the subpoena and the records that Verizon provided, five pages, below, view the evidence for yourselves.

Again, simply left-click once on an image to enlarge it for easy viewing; to return to reading this blog, simply click on your Internet browser's "Back" button.

Moreover, there is a virtual treasure-trove of evidence to confirm that Mark J. Katelhon lived at 278 Third Street, Jersey City, New Jersey 07302 until summer 2006---his monthly Verizon bills, for the months March, April, May, June, July 0f 2006; his state unemployment records (Magda confirmed that he was laid-off), his ATM records, his bank statements, his moter vehicle records & car insurance, if any. It should be very easy for a prosecutor in a federal crime like income tax fraud, to obtain all kinds of records to confirm that Magda Pagnozzi testified falsely about Mark Katelhon's move-out date.

Based on evidence that Lawrence Sindoni and I developed in Landlord-Tenant court, I am posting information that irrefutably demonstrates the Pagnozzis under-reported their rental income, ASAP.

Who prepared the Pagnozzis' income tax statements?

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Judge Falcone's evil = Judge Rosen's protection & help for Mayor Healy
(whoever in the world who reads this blog from America, please be so kind as to make sure this evidence gets to Judge Rosen, and Mayor Healy, and anyone who was taken to task for income tax fraud)

Please scroll down to the end of this blog to view the evidence for yourself. Simply left-click once on an image to enlarge it, click on your Internet browser's "Back" button to go back to reading this blog. Follow "older posts" links to view all. This evidence can be printed, and certified, for anyone who needs it; I am posting and certifying all my evidence (Internet = protection).

To be posted ASAP, audio-tape of the Small Claims action on 2-27-2004 (this date was erroneously stated as 2007, and has been corrected), wherein Asaf Rosenheim tried to cheat my landlords, and my sworn testimony; you can listen for yourselves, world-wide. The Pagnozzis relied on my sworn testimony, and my cancelled check to defend themselves against Mr. Rosenheim.

Great news, Melissa Bastos released more evidence, and is trying to do the right thing. Thank you, Ms. Bastos. This new evidence will be posted ASAP.

The Big Picture: The Pagnozzis cheated on their income taxes. Lawrence Sindoni, me, Melissa Bastos, and others are witnesses against them.

The Bigger Picture: Judge Irwin Rosen told the truth on the record, and is prosecuted. Mayor Healy tried to help a person and was prosecuted.

The last time I checked (and Mayor Healy is invited to post a comment to correct me if I am wrong) Jersey City Mayor Healy Jerramiah T. Healy was appealing a disorderly conduct charge that could result in his removal from office. The details show that Mayor Healy did not get up in the morning with malice in his heart and try to hurt anyone. In fact, he tried to help. Maybe he didn't do such a good job, but, he does not deserve to be convicted or removed from office.

In contrast, Nino Falcone and my landlords DID get up one morning and with malice work to hurt me. I am posting the evidence on this blogsite.
Will Nino Falcone, a municipal court judge in North Bergen, New Jersey, be held to the same or different standards as Mayor Healy?

Let's not forget that the Pagnozzis paid Judge Falcone to lie on the record and help them lie on the record.
Will New Jersey Attorney General Anne Milgram hold Judge Falcone to the same standards as Judge Rosen?
A personal appeal: Ms. Milgram, when you're not too busy could you be so kind as to spearhead an investigation into my falsified student loans? A bunch of Orthodox-Jews at Yeshiva University lied to steal money from me, and my government is helping them do it; that's not anti-semitic, that's the truth. It is an ulgy truth, granted, yet, it is the truth. I would be happy to drive down to your office and explain the details to you, or a member of your staff, at your convenience.
Why can't Yeshiva University refund my money to me? I paid for classes Yeshiva never provided.
Are you out there in the general public willing to make a single phone call to Attorney General Anne Milgram and ask? Her telephone number is 609-292-4925; alternatively, you can send an email to:

List of posted evidence, so far:

(1) Melissa Bastos April 2006 rent check for $1,500.

(2) Melissa Bastos May 2006 rent check for $1,000.

(3) Melissa Bastos June 2006 rent check for $1,500.

(4) Kaplan-Lankler letter. Mr. Lankler, a former assistant district attorney who served in Manhattan, is willing to certify that he provided this letter to me, that I did not forge it. It is a verification of employment by an employer for an employee. It is a record of regularly conducted activity, and cannot be excluded from evidence in court.

(5) To rebut Ralph Pagnozzi's statement: "Tampons are not flushable", I have posted the manufacturer's box insert that states: "For best results flush tampon separately from bath tissue."
In court, I will be offering to provide widely-published information from two other tampon makers: "Simply flush or throw the tampon away", and "Flush the used tampon or place in an appropriate waste container".
I cannot believe I actually have to do defend against this lie, who does not know that tampons are flushable?

I did not diabolically plot to damage the Pagnozzis building by stuffing tampons down the toliet, because of a $50 rent increase in 2004. They made this up wholesale. They want to "milk" me for thousands of dollars in a criminal scheme.

As I said to Ralph Pagnozzi in February 2007, who needs to fight with my landlords, if I want to fight, I have people to fight with, I have 36 federal judges who upheld a fabricated ruling to hurt me, Lidya Radin, now, an American dissident.
Please, I have 36 federal judges who are lying.
I asked for my records from my medical school BEFORE I became a "former" student.
I have serious national security and human rights issues to deal with, my life is being destroyed and the Pagnozzis honesty and sincerely think that I care about an extra $600 dollars a year, when my medical school is engaged in an attempt to steal THOUSANDS of dollars from me (and Mike Tyberg, with us, both, law enforcement has Grand Larceny) and label me falsely as a person with a mental disease, and my government is helping them do it.
Moverover, I do not believe that any medical student in the history of our nation had a hearing before a life-alterning event like suspension or expulsion; I begged Senator Grassley, and others, to help me correct this immediately, before another innocent student is harmed.
The last conversation I had with Mel Goldberg, an attorney at the New York State Attorney General's office, went like this, I told Mr. Goldberg that if I could not get justice in an American court, I would go to an international court, he told me I'd never get there.
(6) Merck pre-employment drug screen - 1. Merck, a Fortune 100, company offered me a job. Mr. Falcone's characterization of me is wholly at odds with a person to whom Merck would extend an offer.
(7) Merck-pre-employment drug screen -2.
These can not be excluded from evidence as they are records of regularly conducted activity.
With respect, Mr. Sindoni has a responsibilty to make sure that I have a full and fair opportunity to defend myself, and not exclude this evidence, as he is seeking to do.
(8) August 14, 2007 letter from me to Dan Riesel (with mail receipts, posted for ease of reference). I informed Mr. Riesel that I was having problems with mail delivery in August 2007, months before I informed the Pagnozzis in my
October 28, 2007 memo.
This evidence is material and relevant with respect to the October 29, 2007 notice that Mr. Falcone claimed I received.
Brief Overview
Notices -10/29/2007 notice-no good, landlord created problem, I informed Dan Riesel (august 2007, letter) months before I informed the Pagnozzis (october 2007memo).
Mr. Riesel is my witness, now.
As Mr. Sindoni's " brother at the bar " he should immediately call Judge Fast to confirm this letter as I will enter into evidence ASAP.
1/28/2008 notice-no good, it violated 1/18/2008 "no-contact" order. If Judge Fast rules that it is acceptable for a municipal court judge, Nino Falcone, to violate a "no-contact" order, then, this provides a data-point for a case being presented to the international community, a case that says, essentially, that "no-contact" orders, and restraining orders are worthless.
Rents- (examined to evaluate landlord's profitabilty, pg 86, Fast's book).
History of rent payments = tenants' cancelled checks.
(they can order these from their banks, Quinone's excuse that he lost them is irrelevant; he can order them from his bank).
TAX FRAUD, the numbers do not add up (and I will post all this evidence, unless the Pagnozzis go down to the local IRS office immediately, and pay their taxes, with whatever penalities are accessed, plus post "Truth in Renting" in their buildings, and inform other landlords and elected officals of tenants' rights as part of their community service work, with an eye towards passing a law in New Jersey that is similar to New York's law, that tenants' get attorneys fees, too.
Magda and Ralph Pagnozzi have three children. Why would they throw away thousands of dollars, essentially, their children's college fund, on this kind of stupidity. No auto mechanic spends almost $20,000, after tax-income, to get a $3,600 rent increase. This is harassment. What the Pagnozzis' don't like is that I successfully defended myself against their unwarrented aggression.
Magda Pagnozzi testified that she gave Melissa Bastos a rent reduction in April, May, and June 2006. Magda testified that Bastos lived alone during these three months, and paid $525 per month in rent.
Bastos provided her cancelled checks ( I posted them, see for yourself) and told Lawrence Sindoni that there was no rent reduction.
Bastos checks, cashed by Ralph Pagnozzi (he authenicated them in court testimony) confirm Basto's conversation with Sindoni, that Bastos, her boyfriend, and her room-mate paid $1,500 during these months (Hearsay evidence is admissible in prosecutions for conspiracy to commit a crime, so Mr. Sindoni's conversation with Bastos is admissible; as are all my conversations; they are all admissible too).
Thank you, Melissa Bastos. Today Ms. Bastos released even more evidence; she is trying to do the right thing.
Retaliation-timeline-with examples = Harassment, criminal intent indicated by statements.
-we want the apartment for our sister/brother/personal use.
-10/12/2007- judgment against landlord for $1, 008. This credit is ongoing. I deduct $18 as a credit every month.
10/26/2007; 10/27/2007; and 10/28/2007-no heat, Inspectors came on 10/29/2007.
10/30/2007-retalitory gesture, police, landlords.
10/31/2007- Bogus "noise" complaint---a retalitory gesture, from Kenneth Kim.
-June 2008-security deposit used as rent because the landlord refused to pay interest, landlord was reminded of his obligations to pay tenants interest on their security deposits in 2004 (by Asaf Rosenheim in his 2-27-2004 Small Claims action), and by me, in writing on
March 21, 2008, landlords paid Melissa Bastos in May 2008, but refused to pay me.
[insert more here]
Magda Pagnozzi lied.
Nino Falcone lied- he knew that he was presenting perjured testimony.
Angel Quinones lied.
Melissa Bastos-just released more evidence, and is trying to do the right thing. Thank you, Ms. Bastos.
Kenneth Kim- as a law clerk, should come in and correct the record immediately. Mr. Kim lived in the basement apartment below me for a year as a law student with no complaints, then, became a law clerk; in September 2007, tried to conceal evidence, the timing of his so-called noise complaints is indicative of retaliation, the so-called noise complaint on 10/31/2007 (P2) is a retaliatory gesture made in response to the no heat complaint that I made on 10/30/2007; ( P3 ) 1/18/2008, this so-called noise complaintis the same date as the "no-contact" order. These so-called noise complaints are retaliatory gestures.
[insert Kim evidence here].
Asaf Rosenheim-has no creditabilty, for details, see I am a witness against Mr. Rosenheim, a former member of the Israeli Defense Forces. He discussed his plans to deceive Homeland Security in front of me. It was no mistake.
John Paul Vera- the Pagnozzis' expert from Weichert Reality = joke. He and his company owe me an apology, on the record.
Code violations.
Lease objections----I recently talked with Senator Lautenberg's office; there is an opportunity for him, and Christopher Christie (important in those upcoming election campaigns) to get a contract in my case that would give attorneys' fees to tentants in New Jersey, and place them on equal standing with the landlords---able to defend themselves.
Unlike New York, we here in New Jersey, do not have a law that provides attorneys' fees to tenants (landlords use this to bully tenants like me), however, I can get this in my case, and with a little legwork, get this lease provision to all tenants in New Jersey, until the state legislature passes a law, a huge win for Mr. Sindoni.
Statements indicating criminal intent
"Choke on it you rat". I am a witness against Ralph Pagnozzi in income tax fraud.
"We're going to get you, I don't care what it takes".
"In particular, you should be very concerned about the reference to me as a 'dishonest attorney', for it is a slanderous and libelous statement that is going to cost you."
--Judge Falcone knows that the truth is a complete defense to a charge of defamation; he is dishonest. What's it going to cost me, time? money? peace of mind? bodily injury?
I get similar statements from Dan Riesel, a former chief prosecutor who is helping my medical school steal money from me.
Why does Dan Riesel, a former chief prosecutor, help a medical school steal money from a student, and why can't my money be refunded to me, immediately?
"We'll get her out".
"They want you to move, you don't want to move" . ---Tracey McQuaide, assistant prosecutor on the 6th floor of the Hudson County prosecutors office.
This statement of the Pagnozzis' intent has nothing to do with a rent increase.
Tracey McQuaide is a witness.
Ms. McQuaide and I also discussed that the Hudson County prosecutor's office refused to protect me against my medical school, the Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University, a school that falsified information in a federal student loan program, and that I had entered this information into the public record in federal court; my government refused to protect me, an American woman on American soil in a time of war.
I tried discussing this with Brig. General Patrick Finnegan at Westpoint. He told me that the army felt no obligation to civilians, you know, the people who pay for Westpoint, the people who pay to raise the army to protect them, you know, the people, Lidya Radin, for the people.
I discussed all this with Mr. Sindoni; he is a witness.
These statements have nothing to do with a rent increase to achieve a fair market price for the rat-infested slum in which I reside. In fact, I presented evidence that demonstrated the Pagnozzis are getting a fair market price, and have been for some time.
Magda Pagnozzi lied-the big picture.
In frivolous eviction # 2, Mrs. Pagnozzi made false statements of material fact.
In frivolous eviction # 4, Mrs. Pagnozzi admitted to the false statements she made in
frivolous eviction # 2, then, claimed she did not act out of malice, that there was no criminal intent.
For example, she claimed that she threw out old leases, and only kept the most recent leases. So, she was not aware that her statements were false, because she did not have a copy of the 2003 lease to compare to the 2004 lease, in my case.
Again, intentionally, Mrs. Pagnozzi lied under oath.
On September 19, 2007, through my attorney, Robert Brescia, I provided a copy of my 2003 lease, plus the May 2007 and the June 2007 letters from the Pagnozzis (the "personal use" excuse).
On September 24, 2007, Nino Falcone submitted his brief, and Mrs. Pagnozzi's certification, and the 2004 lease.
By September 24, 2007, Mrs. Pagnozzi had both the 2003 and the 2004 leases available to her. She had all the information she needed to know that she was committing perjury. So did Nino Falcone.
Not only did I provide all the information that Nino Falcone needed to know that the certification and the brief that he submitted on September 24, 2007 (in frivolous eviction #2) contained false statements of material fact , he also knew that he presented perjured testimony in frivolous eviction # 4 when Mrs. Pagnozzi claimed that she did not have an old lease (2003) available to her. She did. I gave it to her.
[note 1: Ralph Pagnozzi came to my apartment with only one copy of the 2004 lease. I signed it. He took it with him and promised to mail me a copy. He never did. I never saw that lease again until the Pagnozzis/Falcone submitted a photocopy in court on September 24, 2007. In order to submit a photocopy, they must have the original. I'd like to see the original. ]
[note 2: The Pagnozzis' claim that I "slipped in" as an unapproved tenant by illegally subletting from Asaf Rosenheim is a lie: (1) Ralph Pagnozzi signed my rent checks from the beginning, (2) Mr. Pagnozzi offered me a lease for 2004, he has the signed original, I'd like to see it, (3) the Pagnozzis stated in their complaint that I was the tenant in possession. ]
[note 3: There was no equitable, proportional splitting of the rent among two, three, or more people as Mr. Rosenheim allowed his friends to use the apartment as a hotel. My rent checks reflect a decrease ($425 to $325 to $ 225 ) as Mr. Pagnozzi demanded more cash from me. Always, I paid half the rent, irrespective of anything that Mr. Roseheim did. To confirm, my checks for the utility bills reflect that I paid half of these bills too. ]
Angel Quinones committed perjury. He did not come to court 5 times. I did not subpoena him 3 times. I subpoenaed him twice. He came to court twice (once in September 2007, and once in April 2008).
In September 2007, he tried to tell the truth, and was rewarded with a retaliatory rent increase, an illegal 6 month lease, and other restrictions.
The Pagnozzis drove out their own tenants, goaded by Nino Falcone, because I pointed out the holes in Mr. Falcone's fabricated agrument.
In June 2007, the rent increase for Kim was $50, for Quinones was $0, for Bastos was $0, for me was $300. The Pagnozzis did not care about raising the rents. A large, retro-active, cumulative, compound rent increase for me was a pretext to harass me out of the apartment, after the "personal use" excuse didn't work.
Melissa Bastos-recently released more evidence, and is trying to do the right thing. Thank you, Ms. Bastos.
Kenny Linn-details to be posted ASAP. I testified, and was vindicated.
[Kenny Linn was a jerk. His relative is a lawyer. He made complaints in municipal court, had them mailed to an address where he knew that I did not live (in other words, I did not get proper notice), and, then, based on my absence in court, tried to obtain judgments and arrest warrents. I was very upset about this, until I went to court to correct it, and discovered that this was just a standard dirty trick that lawyers use; this was just standard operating procedure. Three people in line with me at the courthouse had the same experience].
Asaf Rosenheim-at the Pagnozzis' request, I testified, and produced my cancelled check. Mr. Rosenheim tried to cheat the Pagnozzis' out of $500.
It is impossible for Nino Falcone to argue that I am a person with a mental disease characterized by delusions, and hallucinations at the same time that the Pagnozzis relied on my testimony to successfully defend themselves against Mr. Rosenheim's unwarrented aggression.
What follows are attempts to place false information on audio-tapes of the trial.
By design, these attempts are intended to confuse listeners.
(1) On July 18, 2008, in court, on audio-tape, Mr. Falcone stated that he "withdrew" the 2nd frivolous eviction attempt, docket-number LT-11742-07.
That is a false statement of material fact.
That action was dismissed without prejudice by Judge Fast.
For prejury on substantive issues (not trumpeted-up petty, inconsequential examples that Nino Falcone used to blow smoke) a judge should dismiss WITH prejudice.
How does the landlord exercise his rights? He DOES NOT COME TO COURT TO LIE to harass a tenant, that's how.
The good people of Jersey City (whose tax dollars paid Judge Fast to listen to the Pagnozzis' lies) deserve to have a sanction in the form of a fine payable to Jersey City for the amount of money it cost to engage in this farce of a trial.
Robert Brescia, my then attorney, is a witness.
I have the audio-tape of the October 1, 2007 hearing, as does Mr. Sindoni's office, NJ Legal Services, and I will be placing audio on this blogsite so that you'all can listen for yourselves.
(Jack Wind and I discussed the possibility of his private firm representing me against my medical school. I sent an email to Mr. Sindoni about this, it wasn't pretty).
As recently, as March 2008, Judge Fast, Mr. Falcone, and Karla Garcia listened to this audio-tape to confirm that during the October 1, 2007 hearing Judge Fast dismissed; Nino Falcone did not "withdraw".
Karla Garcia is a witness.
[note: I made sincere, good-faith efforts to argue substantive issues. I took this seriously. I did not play games, unlike Nino Falcone and my landlords.]
I suspect that Judge Fast and Mr. Brescia are a little miffed that I complained a bit to the Hudson County prosecutors office that they had an obligation to report Mr. Falcone's professional misconduct, but, they did not.
(2) Mr. Sindoni had a conversation with Ms. Bastos about the fact that Magda Pagnozzi committed perjury; there was no rent reduction to Ms. Bastos in 2006.
Mr. Sindoni is a witness against the Pagnozzis in a prosecution for income tax fraud.
(3) In court, Mr. Falcone asked me if I have a mental disease. I do not. I have a medical school that would like people to believe this lie so that doctors and lawyers at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University can get away with stealing money from me in a federal student loan program.
(4) Mr. Sindoni said in court: "Her diagnosis was never explained to her".
This is a false statement of material fact. There was no diagnosis.
I never spoke to a psychiatrist at the hospital where I tried to get help after I inhaled a patient's blood. This doctor admitted that he never spoke with me, in front of two witnesses.
In recent telephone conversations, Janice Bennett stated that she did not diagnose me.
In recent telephone conversations, James Daw, a former assistant prosecutor, stated that my medical school did not mention a diagnosis to him during the time that he represented me.
The two individuals that accompanied me to the hospital at that time are not creditable: (i) Brian Hamilton falsely represented that he was the person to contact in case of emergency, (ii) Julie Schulman, MD, made conflicting statements in front of a witness, and (iii) Mr. Hamilton and Dr. Schulman cannot argue that they respected my wishes at the same time that they claim I was not capable of making decisions.
Michael J. Reichgott, and James (Jimmy) David are not creditable.